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Who Invented God

However it was God Who created life.

Who invented god. Okay the above is just a story found transcribed on a cavern wall in pictographs and has absolutely no corroborative evidence to support the veracity of the tale. It took a traumatic crisis to make him into the all-powerful creator of the world. God created Adam and Eve as mature adults.

Justin Martyr a second century Christian apologist in his Hortatory Address to the Greeks said that Plato got the idea that time was created along with the universe from Moses. To explain that inner voice produced by thought. When we search deeper we later learn from the fine-tuning of the universe that all creation is information-based.

Humanity invented the idea of God initially. God the Father is symbolized in several Genesis scenes in Michelangelos Sistine Chapel ceiling most famously The Creation of Adam whose image of near touching hands of God and Adam is iconic of humanity being a reminder that Man is created in the Image and Likeness of God God the Father is depicted as a powerful figure floating in the clouds in Titians Assumption of the Virgin in the Frari of Venice long admired as a masterpiece of High Renaissance art. A History of God is a book by Karen Armstrong.

Cosmological evidence now refers to the Big bang as the point in time that the universe came into being. It details the history of the three major monotheistic traditions Judaism Christianity and Islam along with Buddhism and Hinduism. God started the process.

God is the uncaused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. The Bible point this out in multiple places including John 13 and Hebrews 113. It is kind of like a set of dominoes where one is caused to fall by a previous one and so on forever.

God can be found in every nation upon this planet. How the Jews Invented God and Made Him Great. We may say for example Because there was a beginning of the universe there must have been a Beginner or Because the universe was created there must have been a Creator.

Over 2000 years ago Paul spoke of By faith we understand that the universe was formed at Gods command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible Heb 113. He reveals in the Bible much about Himself and His plan and purpose for having created the whole universe andespeciallymankind including you and me. So Ur Aphool was the person who invented the idea of God and Im Aphool was the first person to benefit from the invention of god.

If you are a Christian the answer is an easy one. Because Adam was placed there to tend the garden he was mature enough to name every creature he saw. The idea that humans invented God is often regarded as a modern one.

Scientists once held to the steady-state theory that the universe has always existed without beginning. This is the doctrine of ex nihilo. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Gen 11.

The God of the Old Testament started out as just one of many deities of the ancient Israelites. If you worship that sort of God you share in that single though by now hardly unitary tradition. But to this many might raise a dilemma.

While it only came to full expression in the last two centuries its roots actually lie almost three millennia back. Humanity gave God life. The evolution of the idea of God is traced from its ancient roots in the Middle East up to the present day.

Then it is also no surprise to learn that God created everything out of nothing. Now it is our responsibility to attend to his welfare. Christians often make an argument for the existence of God based on the origin of the universe.

God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it. Christians do not believe God had a beginning so there is no need for God Himself to have had a beginner. So God precedes the existence of life itself.

By this I presume the Judeo-Christion notion of God An astounding amount of evidence suggests that God was created by ancient Jewish tribal leaders. Christians believe that the universe had a beginning and therefore had a beginner who we identity as God. God and relion provided a cultural foundation quelled the fears of superstitious people answered unanswerable questions about existence and life and helped maintain law and order.

The logical problem is that we would run into an infinite regression of causes ie a god created by a previous god which was created by another before it and so on forever. The answer is that God was not created. All things that begin that have a start have a cause to their beginning.

The idea that God created time along with the physical universe is not just some wacky modern Christian interpretation of the Bible. If everything must have a creator they say then who created God. The very first passage of the Bible starts with this.

Hes the one who began it all. Example - Early humans had no idea what caused thunder and lightning - so they invented various storm deities to attribute thunder and lightning to such as Zeus or Thor. God - all Gods Goddesses and divine beings were created by humans to explain what they could not explain.

He is the eternal Creator of all that is. There were no monotheists until the idea of one God was invented and all monotheists ever since have worshipped their one God only because they got the idea from those who came before themwhich may have something to do with why monotheists speak of being converted or turned together toward the worship of a single unitary God. Therefore God was there before the creation of matter and the creation of life.

I Dont Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norm Geisler and Frank Turek.